The Best Laws For A Better World Analyses and Solutions of Current World Issues Thu, 18 May 2023 00:24:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 OSCE WARSAW HUMAN DIMENSION CONFERENCE Thu, 05 Jan 2023 09:17:58 +0000 OSCE Warsaw Human Dimension Conference December 15, 2022 On 26  September 2022 -7 October 2022,  I had the privilege to attend the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference. Before I say a few words about this meeting I would like to thank the Chairman-in-office, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Honourable Zbigniew Rau, Director of the OSCE […]

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OSCE Warsaw Human Dimension Conference

December 15, 2022

On 26  September 2022 -7 October 2022,  I had the privilege to attend the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference. Before I say a few words about this meeting I would like to thank the Chairman-in-office, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Honourable Zbigniew Rau, Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions, Human Rights Honourable Matteo Mecacci, and all the staff members for organizing this great event. Also, I would like to thank the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Honourable Ms. Margareta Cederfelt, the Secretary General of OSCE Honourable Ms. Helga Schmid, and all honourable representatives of OSCE participating States, including representatives of inter-governmental organizations, civil society, and other stakeholders with relevant experience.

During those 10 days, participants addressed many problems and reported in detail what is going on with Democratic Institutions, the Rule of Law, Tolerance and Non-Discrimination, Fundamental Freedoms and other Humanitarian Issues that people are facing. Based on my observations and as many of you have already understood, many problems such as corruption and violations of human rights have increased even in Democratic countries like USA and Europe.

As an example we can mention the insurrection of January 6TH 2021, where following the defeat of then-U.S. President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, a mob of his supporters attacked the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. There is also the recent Qatar corruption scandal in the European Parliament  in which it is alleged that politicians, political staffers, lobbyists, civil servants and their families have been involved in corruption, money laundering, and organised crime. The states of  Law enforcement authorities in Belgium, Italy and Greece seized about €1.5 million in cash.

There are many examples of human rights violations that are happening not only in undemocratic countries around the World but in USA and in many EU countries as well. The fact that democracy is at risk even in democratic countries shows that all governments and international organizations have a lot of work to do to preserve democracies first of all and then to help new countries in their process of democratization. OSCE has played a very crucial role when it comes to observing elections and tackling other issues. Election observation is one of the most transparent and methodical ways to promote and encourage democracy and human rights. Election Fraud is a big problem because countries can even start a civil war.

And now I want to talk a little about the War in Ukraine which was also the main focus during this 10 day meeting at Warsaw Human Dimension Conference. If anyone asks for my opinion, I still can’t believe that this war happened. And just the fact that it happened and is still going on shows how primitive we people can be, especially if we cut off electricity and stop playing football.

The Russo-Ukrainian War has started since  February 2014, following Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity, when  Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine and supported pro-Russian separatists in the war in Donbas against Ukrainian government forces. In February 2022, the conflict saw a major escalation as Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. We have never been closer to WW3 than we are right now. Frankly speaking after WW2, United Nations Security Council should have guaranteed that there will never be another war. But as you already know some leaders tend to just cover up problems for some time then no wonder the same problems can appear some years later.

 First of all, Russia should be more mature. Taking Ukraine and even the whole world will not solve the problems of Russia. The same goes for all countries around the world. Secondly NATO is not a threat for Russia because we haven’t heard so far that NATO troops have committed any atrocities or genocide in any country around the world. And thirdly Russia, China or any country that wants to invade other countries should understand that choosing to be independent is a right that all countries should have. There is a reason why most Ukrainians don’t want to be under the influence of Russia. If any country is so advanced and can provide for citizens around the world a high quality of life there is no need to invade any country because people themselves will go to live on that country or will ask, “Please Come and Invade Us. We Are Waiting For You.”

The war in Ukraine has displaced more than 14 million Ukrainians. Polish Government with current President Andrzej Duda has shown great support for Ukraine. Polish citizens have shown great generosity and have welcomed over 1.5 million refugees. USA, Canada, UK and other EU countries as well are supporting Ukraine fight for its Independence. For me, it is very sad that United Nations Security Council was not able to stop this war from happening. It means that UN needs to be redesigned in a way where they have more authority in preventing wars. Imagine if someone declares that they will rob a bank or hurt someone, hundreds of agents form Justice Department will rush in to prevent or arrest the dangerous suspect. But how come that nobody does anything when some world leaders threaten the world openly with nuclear weapons.

Endangering and forcing millions of peaceful people out of their homes is aggression on its own. Instead of moving out of their homes or enlisting to fight, if millions of citizens from Russia and Ukraine went to protest against the war, I am sure it wouldn’t even start. Diplomacy and peace talks should be the only solution until all parties find an agreement. I hope Russia and Ukraine sit down and reach a peace agreement as soon as possible because there is no room for wars or aggression in a civilized world.

I want to point out that wars, corruption and human rights violations will keep on happening unless we update our laws and we develop a very advanced system based on ADMIRAL LAWS which I have written in my book titled ‘’The Best Laws for a Better World’’.

To conclude, once again events like Warsaw Human Dimension Conference are very important because it enables us to address important issues, listen to one another and share our ideas. At the end of the day even though we come from different countries and backgrounds, we are all united in one aim which is to improve Democracy in many countries and to make this World a Better Place by improving the lives of citizens around the world.  

Thank you and May God Bless all countries around the World with peace, prosperity, love and happiness.

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The post <strong>THE PUBLIC COURT HEARING FOR TRUE JUSTICE<br><br>February 14, 2022<br><br></strong> appeared first on The Best Laws For A Better World.



      February 14, 2022

      Honorable Citizens of USA,

    The Public Court Hearing in the presence of the media is one of the best solutions for the Freedom and the True Justice of people. Without giving a chance to all citizens to protect with facts their Justice against anyone who has done them wrong, no country in the World  can say they have Democracy. Public Court Hearings with the presence of the Media should be given always so that the justice of citizens can triumph over every corrupted government officials regardless of who they are, what their status is, or how much power they have.

    Since court agencies, immigration centers  but also other government officials do injustice towards people and there is no control so these officials can be held accountable, the system of having a Public Court Hearing with the The Public Court Hearing is not to bring in court a few random citizens who might be corrupt or not mentally fit to decide on somebody’s case. Actually this is a big injustice and against the laws to call randomly just anyone and ask them to be members of the jury to decide for someone’s case. Because  it is the job of Judges who must be trained educated properly in Universities on how to judge cases mainly based on the following simple questions:

    1. Who did wrong to whom? Who is suffering right now as a result of what happened?
    2. And the second question is why an X individual harmed or caused physical/Psychological suffering to somebody else ? For what reason?
    If Judges, Prosecutors, Lawyers are not mentally fit to understand who is the victim of Injustice then they should not even be working for Justice System. 
    Unfortunately thousands  of innocent citizens in USA but also in other countries are suffering because courts have turned into a nightmare for many citizens. Let alone that innocent citizens face harm or injustice from someone but they are facing the second Injustice from the Justice System itself because there is no proper control or investigations on judges and courts.
    There are cases where Judges are simply not mentally fit to work as Judges but there are also cases where they are corrupt and Evil. In written paper, in Constitution, a country might proclaim to be democratic but if the Government lets the fate of citizens in the hands of unreasonable, Corrupt, Evil Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers to harm and destroy people’s lives then it is time for the USA Government and lawmakers to start doing their jobs properly or to quit their jobs because people are suffering and dying. A good government protects citizens and defends their rights on every aspect. It doesn’t tell them on one side you have your freedom and rights but on the other side allows some unable and corrupt people who might work in Courts, or other Governmental Institutions to destroy people’s lives.
    The following example is to summarize what is happening to many citizens  and why Public Court Hearings given in the presence of the  media and shown to the Public is the only and best  solution for citizens who have all the facts to prove their innocence and ask for TRUE JUSTICE. 

      • 1. Innocent citizens get harmed physically of Psychologically  Directly or Indirectly.
        This is already a trauma. Next Step they have to go in court to ask for Justice.
        2.But unfortunately due to corrupt or incompetent  Judges, Prosecutors, and Lawyers the court might side with the Wrongdoer because the Wrongdoer might be rich, famous, holds a high status in Society or might be a Government Employee, so the Innocent citizens who are already a victim of Injustice from the wrongdoer are facing the second injustice from the court of Justice itself.
        3. These poor innocent citizens who might not even have money to buy food and let alone to afford lawyers, are  forced to go in the Second Court of Appeals with the hope that the Second Court will give them justice  but  the First Court might be friends with the Judges  of the Second Court. In the mean time keep in mind that the innocent citizens during all this time are anxious and in pain  because they want Justice as soon as possible. But it doesn’t stop here because they are wasting their life going in corrupt court after court and at the end they are denied Justice from the Second Court as well or even the Supreme Court who takes only a few cases per year. 
        4. The next step that these Innocent citizens have to face after spending several years going in court after court are to endure not only initial harm but injustice after injustice from the Justice System itself. Depending on the case, some of the innocent citizens might face prison time, some who are Immigrants might even get Deported by force and so on. While the innocent citizens are spending  all their lives facing harm and injustice, on the mean time don’t forget that those Judges, Prosecutors, Lawyers and other Government Officials are getting paid thousands of Dollars and enjoy their lives without thinking at all for the harm, pain, injustice that they have caused to innocent citizens. On top of this  the Wrongdoers who were supposed to be punished are laughing and going on Vacations. 
         It doesn’t stop with this because not only the innocent citizens are going through trauma and pain but their family as well.
        5.  On the mean time don’t forget that there are thousands of other Government Employees, Starting from Police Officers, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security and so on who are failing to protect innocent citizens by investigating and controlling all Governmental Institutions on how their employees work.  Moreover there is not a single efficient Department where citizens can file a complaint with confidence that they will get the justice that they deserve. Homeland Security itself needs to be reformed and people who work there  should be taught how to do their job properly with Integrity, because for every injustice that is happening to citizens, the ones who work for Homeland Security itself are responsible as well. On the other side Lawmakers are sleeping in their offices. Republicans and Democrats spend more time fighting with each other who will win the next elections than focus on more important issues on how to solve people’s problems or improve what needs to be improved. Keep in mind that all these corrupt Judges, Governmental Officials with no INTEGRITY or LOVE for HUMANITY didn’t come from another planet but have mothers and graduated from Universities. Which means that if there are so many Evil, Corrupt people and wrongdoers who enjoy to see others suffer and die, it is time for Parents to learn how to raise their children properly and it is time for Universities to be either reformed or closed. Now ask yourself what are innocent citizens supposed to do when courts do them injustice and there is not a single place to solve their problems. THE BEST SOLUTION IS THE PUBLIC COURT HEARING IN THE PRESENCE OF THE MEDIA SHOWN LIVE TO THE PUBLIC.

        To continue with my analysis, the majority of groups of people who are facing terrible Injustice in America are Immigrants, because there are about 10 Million undocumented Immigrants who are living in USA for more than 15 years and still haven’t gotten their green cards. When it comes to population this is almost equal to the country of Belarus.
        There are citizens with American Passports who are suffering already when it comes to injustice, imagine now what undocumented citizens are facing in USA and they can do absolutely nothing when it comes to asking for their rights. They are being used and abused as slaves. Highly Intelligent people are forced to do physical work instead of working according to their skills and the list of injustice towards Immigrants  goes on and on. I have spoken in my previous article about Immigrants but I will touch this issue again because when it comes to facing Injustice I strongly believe they are the largest group of people that are facing continues injustice. Many of them who deserved to get citizenship have been removed by force, their families have been destroyed, they have many years without seeing their loved ones and some of them have died already without being able to listen to their voice for the last time or hug them. Apart from being used as slaves is there any more cruelty in the world in any Democratic country than what is happening to Immigrants  in USA right now? 
        On one side they are getting new immigrants based on Green Card Lotteries and on the other side they remove by force legal Immigrants who were made illegals by Hidden Racist Corrupt Judges and Immigration Officers. A Few wrongdoing and unreasonable Immigration Judges, officers and, other officials have destroyed already many families and have ruined their lives.   

         Unless someone has committed any crimes, the Immigration Judges with corrupt lawyers and immigration officials based on governmental law have no right to remove with force the citizen from USA without appearing in the civil court directly with the corrupt immigration officials so that the good citizen can get his justice with true facts.

        The American government is taking thousands of immigrants each year around the world up to now and is giving millions of dollars to countries around the world. But on the other side The American government should treat citizens living here in the best way so they can be happy. Who is that citizen to allow that his possessions and his justice to be taken away? Judges, attorneys, and government officials or any other have no right to harm the life of citizens and should be responsible for their actions.
        The civil court with governmental law  has the right  to protect the justice  of the citizen  to stop the corruption from the simplest citizen until up to the highest government Institution. 
        The Public Court Hearing in the presence of the media
          is for freedom and true justice, peace for all the people and every high government official, President, and Congressmen. No one should be allowed to steal, to harm the good and just people and the government.
         If the leaders of the government, administrators, judges, and attorneys who are corrupt, bureaucrats, and wrongdoers have kept the true justice of the good citizen because of their interests, The Public Court Hearing in the presence of the media
          can be addressed from every individual who has suffered from injustice.

        There should not be oppositions with debates, there should not be violent protests by harming or threatening  any citizen, family, government official, justice, possessions, businesses etc. If any government official, the office of the President and the Congressmen do negligence or delay giving a reply to any citizen who is asking for help, the citizen  should notify the Police immediately in the town where they live. Those government officials should be  removed from their job positions and should be punished with governmental law because they step in the laws of the government, step on the laws of freedom, of the true justice of  citizens.

        You people have heard in media from intelligent state officials, state leaders, and Congressmen who have spoken before you that there is corruption. You have seen and heard from High Judges of the government who have said that they don’t have power before the debates and the corruptions of the high government officials. The White House , the President  and the Two Parties should be united for the best and the happiness of all the citizens. The government should inspect the higher government institutions for the corruptions that are done toward officials and citizens. The Department of Justice of the government should function separately, be independent with the toughest government laws, and should catch corruptions with true facts without distinction from the simplest citizens up to the highest government officials including the President himself or any Congressman. The President or Congressmen and other  High officials that are chosen should be very good people, clever, thinkers, compassionate, humanistic, optimistic, and active throughout their lives and should have contributed for the best to the people and the government. Many government officials after they are chosen in their job positions, they speak before the public that they will fix the justice system, they talk about freedom, and respect for Democracy in America. But These High Government officials should not just give speeches before the people, but in their job positions they should work with good actions, to inspect the government institutions and every agency with vigilance so no citizen should be troubled and harmed.
        In this way the people are kept unharmed, happy, with their families, and the government is respected by everyone.
        Government leaders should establish tough laws in the constitution. In every town in the United States there should be offices for complaints where the best governmental officials should be chosen who are thinkers and have given for the best to the citizens and the government of the United States. In these offices of complaints that should be established in  every town, should appear the corrupted individual or the wrong doer with the good citizen directly towards each other, to get justice with true facts.

          The government officials and the Congressmen stay in comfort and are paid well but the good and the just citizens suffer, are  abused, without enough money to even feed themselves. Since many institutions and courts are not inspected and to them has been given the power and freedom to do what they want with good righteous citizens who suffer, there should be established The Public Court Hearing in the presence of the media for the complaints that the citizen ask for their justice with facts, that they have been harmed or faced any sort of Injustice. 

        These government officials should give the right answers so the citizen can get his justice immediately. The Public Court Hearing in the presence of the media  is true justice and culture. How does the government officials want citizens to ask for their justice with culture and facts or to go all the way to the White House and The Congress with revolts, shouts, and destruction and to tell them to go away from their job positions for lying and violating the laws and human rights with their indifference and injustice to the people.

        The family of George Floyd went to ask for their justice by revolts, but the high officials of the government should not have waited for people to revolt but should have been responsible and give justice immediately to people that deserve it. People have selected the government officials for justice, freedom, and peace. The Presidents, Congressmen, and every government official should keep responsibility for the requests that people make based on true facts  for the sufferings, injustice, and harms that are done towards them. These high officials of government should make it possible for the citizens to contact them according to the possibilities  that the citizen has through the phone, email, skype, etc., because some citizens might be sick or don’t have money to travel.  It is not the citizens who should go through hardship but is the responsibility of Governmental Officials to adapt to the needs of citizens. The high officials of government should not talk before the media just for their own interest but should have in mind to help their citizens because that’s why they are getting paid.  Just as people call the police for emergency at 911 that the Police is obligated by law to respond to citizens immediately. The same should be when citizens file a complaint to the Homeland Security or any  office where they are complaining. They should respond and help people immediately.   
        Unfortunately  as  I mentioned previously  citizens are going through hell because courts are corrupt and do not function, and do not respect government laws and very good citizens. It is a great shame that educated officials, and any other person steal and deal with corruptions. The government helps these officials to go to university and has given them a job, to stay in comfort, they receive high salaries, and benefit from work for their own interests, so they should not do corruption, injustice, or harm good people. In the middle of the laws of the American Democracy, Government Officials should not play with the government laws, they should not play with people as they want, destroy families and take away their happiness, making families to suffer by torturing them. Laws are established for the well-being of people, not to do evil and destroy people. These harms are done because the government has not checked the sufferings of people, has not checked the agencies with vigilance, to establish order and tough laws so if there is corruption it will be punished with the toughest law. If all these abuses and damages will be done to corrupt officials and their families or any other family, how would they behave?
        According to the laws of the government no one has the right to keep the freedom, justice, happiness of the good citizen. When the citizen complaints for their justice, if they are harmed from corruption, the President, the Congressmen and all government officials should give justice to the citizen immediately with  true facts to get the compensation for his/her harms. Just like the women, the men are human being as well and should not be violated but should be respected. The rights should be equal for the women and the men. The justice of the good citizen should be respected with the best of laws. 

      • Presidents, Congressmen, and High Government Officials should not stay in offices for nothing but should establish order and discipline in the government, should establish tough laws in the Constitution of the government for the wellbeing of people so no citizen is harmed. If the High governmental officials are not capable to catch the corrupted individuals and to solve the problems of the citizen, then where are the people going to get their justice?  Presidents, Congressmen, and High Government officials should be honest and give justice to the good citizen with true facts for the harms he has suffered, or they should leave their job positions.

      •  The government should thank a simple, good, and just citizen that finds corruption because that person is doing the job of the Governmental Officials that are in the service of the people.
        All the citizens that are good and just and do not harm anyone are higher than the Corrupted Governmental officials. A good Government knows how to lead the people but also people who are just and clever can teach the Government how to function properly. The freedom and the true justice of the good citizen is a part of the true American Democracy. The justice of people and the laws of the government are for everyone. One for all and all for one.
        The justice before the law and the The Public Court Hearing in the presence of the media.
        The moment the citizen is willing to contact any of the media such as Television, Radio, Newspapers, You Tube, Facebook, or any other electronic media, it shows that the citizen is willing to testify for his justice before millions of people so everyone can believe and witness
         with their eyes what has happened. Like this, citizens will get the justice that they deserve and whoever has done corruption will be held accountable. There are around 10 Million Immigrants who are going through hell right now in USA. They have more than 15 years and the US GOVERNMENT IS TORTURING/TREATING THEM INHUMANLY.



    The post <strong>THE PUBLIC COURT HEARING FOR TRUE JUSTICE<br><br>February 14, 2022<br><br></strong> appeared first on The Best Laws For A Better World.

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    IMMIGRATIONAugust 11, 2021 Mon, 12 Dec 2022 02:56:18 +0000 Immigration August 11, 2021 Immigrants go to other countries because governments around the world have failed to solve the main problems that people are facing. Many immigrants die each year because of the dangerous trips they take trying to go to other countries. This shows that they are so desperate, or their life is so […]

    The post <strong>IMMIGRATION<br><br>August 11, 2021<br><br></strong> appeared first on The Best Laws For A Better World.



    August 11, 2021

    Immigrants go to other countries because governments around the world have failed to solve the main problems that people are facing. Many immigrants die each year because of the dangerous trips they take trying to go to other countries. This shows that they are so desperate, or their life is so unbearable that they are willing to risk even their lives just to get out of their countries.
    This happens because their governments have failed to provide for people the basic conditions that citizens need in order for them to survive or live as normal citizens. If governments all around the world fulfill these conditions, nobody has to risk their lives by going to other countries. But let’s explain what these conditions are.

    The first condition that governments should fulfill for their citizens is that whether there is good or bad economy all citizens should have water, food, and a place where to sleep, which are the basic needs for survival for each human being.
    The second condition right after food comes safety and justice. People need a safe environment and a functional justice system where they can solve their problems or any type of conflict.
    And the third condition that a government must provide for their citizens is a very good healthcare system where citizens must be cured for free if they don’t have any money to pay to be treated for their illnesses.
    It is a big shame for any government to let their citizens enter sites like “go fund me” to ask for help in order to have a surgery or cure their illnesses. People work  and pay taxes all their lives and at the end when they are sick they are left to die.  If every country fulfills these three conditions, nobody will risk their lives to immigrate to other countries.

    Immigration can become a big problem because some countries are themselves on crises and taking more immigrants will not fix the situation of those immigrants or the country itself.
    Nevertheless, the congressmen or legislators in the United States and in the countries of the world should deal with fairness and compassion towards all immigrants. In the United States and other countries, there are millions of immigrants that are left without legal status and are suffering difficult consequences by being treated like slaves.
    If any country doesn’t want immigrants, they should declare or inform in advance all citizens of the world. For example, if USA doesn’t want any immigrants, they should say that they will not accept any immigrants neither for asylum, neither under refugee status, neither under employment contracts or with green card lottery.

    I’m taking as an example United States but the same goes for other countries as well. So if USA declares that they accept immigrants for asylum, it means that people will immigrate there to ask for asylum according to immigration laws. The problem is that those immigrants who ask for asylum, many of them very often become victims of injustice done to them because judges refuse them asylum unjustly and they get labeled as illegals. It should not be the job of the judges to decide who deserves asylum and who doesn’t for citizens who come from undemocratic countries.
    United Nations, European Union have a clear view or the list  of countries who fall under the category of undemocratic countries where there is a lot of injustice, corruption, and poverty. So, if a judge denies to grant asylum to an immigrant who comes from one of these countries, the judge is committing a crime because many of these immigrants, sold their homes, sacrificed everything in order to escape from injustice, poverty, direct or indirect persecution from their oppressive governments, with the believe that USA is accepting immigrants for asylum based in the law.

    So many of these immigrants are actually legal but immigration judges refuse asylum to these people unjustly and label them all as illegals. Right now there are a few million immigrants in USA that are called illegals when they are actually legal. I am referring to the group of immigrants who don’t have any criminal record, who gave their fingerprints when entering the new country and asked for asylum based on the law. I repeat again denying asylum to immigrants who come from corrupt and undemocratic countries is a crime.

    There are many immigration judges who together with lawmakers should be fired from their jobs for playing with people’s lives and torturing people. I say this because on one side they say to people come in and on the other side they have designed a corrupt immigration system where they are destroying people’s lives. When judges label immigrants as illegals, it means they don’t have any rights at all so they are treated as slaves, or they are facing a different kind of persecution in USA because they can’t live as free citizens with full rights.
    This big injustice is going on for many years until now and it must stop. Administration after administration, Republicans and Democrats keep on lying to immigrants without shame while people are suffering a lot physically and emotionally for just a piece of green card. This is unbelievable and it is a big shame for these things to happen in a democratic country like USA but in some European countries as well.  

    There are reports that there are many women who due to their status as illegal immigrants are being used, abused sexually, assaulted, raped and they can’t even complain because they are afraid from being deported. Not only this, but lawmakers don’t think at all, that these immigrants haven’t seen their loved ones for years or  that there are students who have graduated with master degrees and are washing dishes.
    Where are those women rights defenders or human rights activists, in USA or other countries? Women are the backbone of our societies, if we want to create a better world. But unfortunately, millions of women are still suffering even in democratic countries. And if there was a real functional International Court of Justice, the Congress in United States of America with the department of justice, immigration, and homeland security can face criminal charges for causing harm to many innocent immigrants and innocent American citizens as well. Who gives the right to any lawmaker or any government officials to destroy with their ignorance the lives of millions of people? If any of these lawmakers or government officials don’t know what they are doing and want to destroy Democracy even in their own countries, then they should quit their jobs, because with the injustice that they are doing to people, they are putting to shame Democracy and millions of American heroes who gave their lives for freedom, justice and Democracy.

    Even if there are illegals in a country, there is no need to treat them like animals with no respect. They also have families back home that they haven’t seen for many years. Their loved ones might have been sick in hospitals or have died and they couldn’t be there for them in those moments.  Where is the problem to give people documents so at least they can travel to see their loved ones, to do business, get married etc. This should be no problem at all, the only problem is that many laws have been allowed to pass without checking if those laws are harming people or not. Immigration centers and lawmakers are doing a big injustice with their nonsense laws towards immigrants.

    For example, there is a law where immigrants who have American passports are able to get their old parents, their brothers, and sisters through family union and they can get automatically green cards as well. On the other side, immigrants with no criminal records who are already inside the country or who need to stay in United States in order to help their families who are starving or dying back home, get deported. Now is it better to give green cards to the ones who are inside the country waiting for 10-20 years that have been tortured physically and mentally or it is better to give green cards through lottery to people who might not even need to come in USA as much as others? There is not logic to this at all.

    Not long ago everyone saw what happened in the United States. They were putting in cages little children and they have been separating parents from their young children for years and years.  So many immigrants are being harmed in United States but also in Europe that it has made their lives miserable already. My message to the American Congress or any government in any country in Europe is that they don’t have the right to pass unreasonable laws that harm innocent people. What does legal or illegal has to do with allowing people to visit their families?

    Another injustice when it comes to traveling is that only citizens of a few specific countries have the right to travel wherever or whenever they want just because they have American or European passport even if some of these citizens might be criminals or dangerous people. On the other side, highly educated, peaceful, and good people from countries who have different passports have to stay for weeks and months in embassies just for a visa. Immigrations laws same as some other laws are unreasonable and unjust and they need to change as soon as possible because people are being tortured left and right.

    Some of these high officials working for United Nations, European union and European council should not talk about rule of laws and justice only with words but they should take actions as well in order to enforce those laws. Only talking will not solve the problems that people are facing in the world. Sometimes United Nations, European Union together with Amnesty international and thousands of other NGO’s are like those birds that when there is a hurricane coming, they all start flying in the sky to warn people that there is a hurricane coming but these birds do nothing to prevent this hurricane from hitting a country.
    The justice systems around the world should not stay silent when they know it very well how much people are suffering and what they are going through. Starting from USA, in Europe, and other countries they should give immediately citizenship to immigrants who don’t have any criminal record and have been living in the country for many years.
    So, I request all lawmakers, homeland security, and immigration centers to stop torturing and lying to immigrants year after year but to give them immediately citizenship, then if you want, you can go ahead to build walls, close all borders but don’t torture people who are inside your country because you are committing a big violation of human right’s laws, you are committing crimes against those immigrants.

    ​I have talked in more details how immigration laws must be designed in my book titled “The Best Laws For a Better World.” Only the system of Admiral Laws will fix immigration and other problems that the world is facing today.
    My message to United Nations, European Union, and all governments around the world is to stop wasting time and to implement immediately the system of Admiral Laws. I conclude this analysis in here by wishing everyone good health, prosperity, and all the best.

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     PART 2Should Vaccination be  mandatory for all citizens including the ones with natural strong immune system or not? Mon, 12 Dec 2022 02:52:23 +0000 Should Vaccination be mandatory for all citizens including the ones with natural strong immune system or not? Part 2 January 15, 2022   Before we answer this question first Health Experts and Research Scientist should answer the following questions: 1. Are the Vaccines that we have right now free of side effects and 100% effective against any version […]

    The post <strong> PART 2<br><br><br><br><strong>Should Vaccination </strong>be  mandatory for all citizens including the ones with natural strong immune system or not?<br><br></strong> appeared first on The Best Laws For A Better World.


    Should Vaccination be mandatory for all citizens including the ones with natural strong immune system or not?

    Part 2

    January 15, 2022


    Before we answer this question first Health Experts and Research Scientist should answer the following questions:

    1. Are the Vaccines that we have right now free of side effects and 100% effective against any version of the virus?
    2. Can you guarantee that after 30-50 or more years  the Vaccinated people will be fine and healthy? Or in other words can you guarantee that Vaccines will not be the cause for people to get sick and start dying because of Vaccines? 
    3. Can Natural Immunity of some citizens protect them better than any Vaccines out there?

    WARNING: The questions above should be answered only by Health Experts and Research Scientist with Integrity and Love for Humanity. Other World Leaders of Countries and Leaders of International Organization together with the Media with my due Respect but they should be quiet this time. Because we already know how smart or good they are based on how well they are running countries and how much they care for people. It’s enough to check the conditions of Hospitals in every country, how well is working the Justice System, the condition of Homeless people that are starving and freezing to death, the way how Immigrants are treated, how women are treated and how much discrimination, racism, violence, Injustice and hidden slavery exists in the World Right Now. Let’s not even mention the new conflicts and wars created every few years. Of course the World have had also great leaders throughout History and still there are great Leaders of Countries  who work with Integrity, have love and care for Humanity but nevertheless the questions that i asked above should be answered officially with responsibility only by Health Experts and Research Scientist. It’s easy to make Vaccination mandatory for all but if there is something wrong with the Vaccines and people start getting sick or even die after some years then who will take full Responsibility and be held Accountable in this world where in most countries or even in all countries Justice System doesn’t even work properly.

    As I wrote previously in the first PART, I would like to continue now with my second PART on the analysis of COVID-19.
    First of all I want to tell you that there is a big difference between True born Leaders/Politicians  and the rest. The main difference is that True Leaders try to give solutions or at least guide Humanity towards the right path based on facts and logic not based on their self-interest. True born Leaders don’t make it a priority to defend certain Political Parties, certain people in power or Private Companies where as long as they make money they might not even care if people are suffering or dying. 

    This analysis of COVID-19 should be read carefully because it has good and logical suggestions not only for World-Health Organization and Research Scientist/Virologist/leaders of countries but also for all citizens who are confused and don’t know what to do. People are right to be confused because there is a lot of false information from the media where often talking is done without even thinking. What is most striking is that there is not even a clear guidance from World Health Organization itself. I am not a Virologist so I can’t talk in details about COVID-19, but this analysis done as a Criticism is more for the purpose to guide everyone starting from Research Scientist, Virologist, World Leaders, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Health Public officials and citizens towards the right path as to what they should be doing when it comes to COVID-19.

    As of today, January 15 2022, there is nobody to be held accountable for the spread of this virus yet, even though more than 6 million people have lost their lives until now. Experts say the first known case was identified in WuhanChina, by the end of 2019. The disease has since spread worldwide, leading to an ongoing pandemic with new versions of this virus. The main problem is that everyone seems to be an expert yet nobody explains to people clearly who is responsible for this virus. Is it really the Pangolins, Bats, any other wild animal, or was  it produced inside the experimental laboratory of WUHAN and then spread on purpose world-wide to reduce population around the world  as some conspiracy theorists say? All people hear is maybe this or maybe that but there is not a clear answer. People deserve to know the truth because not only more than 6 million people lost their lives and the numbers are growing even more but it is very important to know what is going on so we can prevent such situations in the future.

    If scientist know for sure that this virus spread from wild animals, then this should be a lesson for all countries to be careful when dealing with wild animals. But If it was produced on purpose inside the laboratory in WUHAN or in any laboratories, then whoever these people are should be called in court to give account why they produced this virus and who is behind this. The International Court of Justice should do its job and punish such individuals who play with people’s lives and whoever supported them, so this doesn’t happen anymore. If the justice system punishes someone who robs a bank or commits a crime then it should also punish the ones who are responsible for the suffering and deaths of thousands and millions of people. People’s lives are given from GOD and everybody is free to choose only based on facts and logic what’s best for their lives so everyone should understand clearly that there is a RED LINE that nobody should cross because this world belongs to everybody. For this freedom, to be able to choose what’s best for their lives so people don’t get used as slaves and abused, have been fought many wars including WWI-WW2. No government, no leader, and nobody has the right to force people to do something without giving first clear explanation based on facts and logic. So no one has the right to force HEALTHY people into Mandatory Vaccinations against COVID-19 because based on facts scientists have not been able to produce a vaccine that is 100% secure and effective. Some of the facts that we don’t have yet a vaccine that is 100% effective are the following:

    1. First of all vaccinated people can transmit the VIRUS to others and can be re-infected again which means that the immunity of the vaccine to protect you goes down after some months. We know this because even-though many people got vaccinated with 2 doses or even more this didn’t prevent them from getting re-infected.

    2. There are some death reports from blood clots or other side effects. This makes people to hesitate to get vaccinated. For example if you go parachute jumping and you are told that out of 100 parachutes 5 of them won’t open what would you do? Most people would hesitate to jump because they want more security. This means that scientists must work to produce Vaccines free of blood clots or other side effects.

    3. If some people’s immunity was strong enough to fight COVID-19 it means that their natural immunity is more effective than the vaccine where you have to take more than one dose after some time passes.

    4. If the vaccine is efficient 100% there is no need to force people to get vaccinated in advance.  Whoever gets sick they should go get it quickly so they can be cured.

    5. All the production companies that produce vaccines can’t guarantee anything and they don’t want to sign that they are willing to be held accountable in court for any DEATHS from blood clots or side effects.  This is one more reason that it shows that vaccines are not yet as efficient as they should be.

    6. Only recently Finland paused the use of Moderna’s (MRNA.O) COVID-19 vaccine for younger males due to reports of a rare cardiovascular side effect, joining Sweden and Denmark in limiting its use.

    7. Vaccines were produced very quickly when scientists themselves still are trying to find out more about this virus. Right now we are still in an experimental phase so it’s safer to be cautious than to play with people’s lives. That’s why at this point vaccines should not be mandatory yet for Healthy Citizens whose natural immune system was strong enough and as a result they were able to defeat COVID-19 on their own.

    To continue with my analysis, there is a misrepresentation from the media because it’s trying to show that many people are against vaccinations. This is a wrong assumption. Except for few individuals speaking in general People are not against vaccinations because if they were against, they wouldn’t take any vaccines at all. The reason why people are protesting right now is because some World Leaders are violating the laws by forcing their healthy citizens to be vaccinated or making vaccination mandatory when based on facts and logic these vaccines are not yet as safe and effective as they should be. World leaders can’t gamble with people’s lives like they want without first giving clear explanations for their citizens. Moreover, citizens have many reasons not to trust their governments or World Health Organization. The main reason is that even without any pandemic people wait for hours in que in hospitals, in emergency rooms. Moreover, they wait for weeks and months just to schedule a visit to the doctor or have a surgery.  The ambulance in many countries goes after half an hour before they attend the sick. As a result many sick people or the ones who have been in emergency situations have died just from not being attended on time. There is always some excuse such as there are not many Doctors or not many ambulances and so on. These are all indicators that governments together with their leaders and World Health Organization have done a terrible job in taking care of their citizens as they should. They have failed to manage  countries in such a way that they can solve their problems that citizens face when they go in Hospitals. So instead of making vaccines mandatory for healthy citizens, my recommendation for World Health Organization together with world leaders and governments of what should be made mandatory are the following:

    1. First of all they should make MANDATORY to stop ”GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH (GoF)” if any of those Laboratories are used to produce deadly Viruses for Humans. For the ones who are not familiar with this term.  Gain of function is a medical research that genetically alters an organism by enhancing the biological functions of gene products. This research is intended to better predict viruses in future and develop vaccines but if left in the wrong hands this kind of research can be very threatening for the whole humanity if those Laboratories are used to produce deadly viruses for humans. Moreover if China is a Communist country where according to the media and facts human rights are violated and Chinese citizens can’t express their opinions freely because they get persecuted then why would someone invest on GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH (GoF) IN WUHAN, CHINA? Such research medical laboratories, if they are used in the benefit of humanity, they should be allowed only in safe countries under full supervision and strict control. Because look what happened with COVID-19. Critics Say China Has Suppressed and Censored Information In Coronavirus Outbreak. As a result from not being transparent with the world The CHINESE GOVERNMENT  JEOPERDISED THE LIVES NOT ONLY OF CHINESE CITIZENS BUT THE WHOLE WORLD. Anybody who causes injustice, suffering, or death to their citizens they should be held fully accountable before the law. So it is important to find out what was the real cause of this VIRUS. Was it from wild animals, was it released by accident or on purpose with the intention to reduce population around the world?

    2. It should be mandatory that all experimental laboratories around the world should be monitored 24 hour a day all year around. The purpose of scientists and  researchers  should be to help humanity to live healthier and longer and not to think how to reduce peoples’ lives or to cause them to die by creating viruses on purpose or hypersonic missiles with nuclear weapons. 

    3. It should be mandatory that every city and every country should have enough doctors and hospitals and this medical Hospitals should be arranged in such a way  that ambulances can go within 5 minutes to pick up the sick so that people get attended on time instead of dying while waiting. 

    4. It should be mandatory that doctors, nurses and all medical staff be held fully accountable for any mistreatment or wrongdoing towards the sick patient. It is the doctors who should sign the papers that they will do the best to cure the sick patient and they will be fully responsible for anything they do wrong instead of giving medical papers to the sick to sign those papers. Because what is happening is that there are sick people who are dying in the hand of incompetent doctors, nurses and nobody is being held accountable. Laws are passed for the protection and well-being of people not to allow any criminal to go free and unpunished. Which it means that there is no logic at all to force sick patients to sign in medical papers. What for? Patients go in hospitals to get cured, not to sign that for any wrong medication or mistake doctors/nurses will not be held accountable. If anyone is not qualified, they should not even be allowed to work in hospitals. All medical staff members who work in hospitals such as doctors, nurses and so on should be respected and if it is possible the government should raise their salaries. But on the other side, all the hospitals, clinics including pharmacies should be under strict control, and laws must be clear that anyone who works in medical field should be highly qualified otherwise for any wrongdoing towards the sick they will be held fully accountable before the law.

    5. It should be made mandatory that countries should  build more hospitals than FOOTBALL stadiums, or SKYSCRAPERS and to arrange jobs in such a way that each country can has enough doctors, nurses and medical staff to take care of all their citizens.  There should be training and hiring of enough professionals according to the needs of citizens so in times of crises there are enough doctors and nurses to take care of people.

    6. It should be made mandatory for all people around the world that once there is an alarm from any country for any life-threatening virus, all flights and transportations going abroad should stop and nobody should travel abroad or even in other cities inside their countries in order to stop and isolate the virus from spreading as soon as possible. This is what should have  been done with Covid-19 virus. Instead the contrary happened. Millions of people got infected, billions of dollars were spent on some vaccinations that don’t work properly, many people lost their jobs, and lock downs were imposed without even making sure if people had any means of survival with lock downs. There are people that if they don’t even work one day, they can’t buy food for their families. How NAIVE it was  to order poor citizens to lock down without first sending them stimulus checks in their bank accounts so they could buy food or pay their rent. 

    Even-though some help was given, it was countered by allowing landlords to raise their rents, raising oil, electricity, and food prices all over the world even in poor countries. Instead of lowering prices. Instead of helping poor people, some governments around the world are making their citizens lives even more difficult than it is. Facts show what a terrible job was done by governments around the world and by the World Health Organization. So, instead of asking healthy people to get mandatory vaccinations governments should be thankful to them, because if this virus was a little stronger until scientists develop the right vaccine all humanity in the world would have died right now. If governments want to make vaccines mandatory, they should ask scientists to try to make better vaccines with no side effects so that when somebody has the virus only by taking one dose of the vaccine they will be healthy right away.

     A Vaccine is not orange juice or pure water to making it mandatory. There are new version of COVID-19 every few months. Jabbing citizens with Booster shots every few months is not at all a logical solution.  There are chemicals in them that could harm peoples’ immune system. Also who can guarantee that people will not get sick after a few years from other diseases caused by these vaccines? So, scientists should make more research to find out more about Covid-19. At least the health organizations and governments should be honest with people and tell them the truth that scientists have not been able to produce the best vaccine yet.   

    I am not a medical doctor but people should be guided and health officials should explain to them clearly what is going on instead of confusing and lying to people in the same way as it was done with masks when it was said masks don’t help then it was changed that masks do help. This virus might never go so what are people going to do? Get jabbed every few months for the rest of their lives?

    Also why are so many types of vaccines allowed to be on the MARKET such as Pfizer-BioNTechModernaJohnson & Johnson’s Janssen, SPUTNIK ,ASTRA ZENECA, or the Chinese one Sinovac-CoronaVac ?  Pharmaceutical companies  make money but this confuses people. Scientists need to compare all these vaccines and choose which one is the best so everyone gets the same vaccine. Every government official including International organizations should do their jobs with integrity and to have in mind the well-being of all people.

    I will outline once more with recommendations what citizens expect from Governments, International Organizations and World Health Organizations all Scientist, Researchers or Health officials.

    1. First of all accept that you failed to protect citizens as you should have. You should make a better system on how to deal with viruses in future. Your job is to prevent Viruses or any threats in advance not to wait for millions of people to get infected or die.

    2. Don’t think only for the economy or private interest of few people but put some control on all private businesses and everyone because while people were being infected and dying planes internationally kept on flying, which helped the virus to spread in all corners of the world. You were thinking for the economy but because of bad management you spend billions of DOLLARS or EUROS and people are losing their lives. The job of governments is to prepare for the worst. Imagine what could have happened if this Virus was more deadly and scientists were not able to produce any vaccine whatsoever. You should have been able to try to prevent the spread of this virus even without a vaccine. 

    3. Put immediate control in all laboratories. Stop investing in Countries where their leaders are authoritarians or don’t respect International LAW AND ORDER.  An international team of Scientists and  Doctors should monitor all laboratories all over the world.  This is to prevent any experimental adventures in the future or anyone who wants to release any viruses on purpose. Find out who released this virus or what was the real cause; was it from wild animals or was it done from human hand? If someone released it on purpose from laboratories those people should be held accountable before International Court of Justice.

    4. Scientists should keep on working to create means that peoples can test themselves  at their homes if they have COVID-19 or not. These test kits should work properly and must be double checked if they are safe to use. Scientists should study people who have strong immune system and find out why some people are able to fight the Virus on their own and others can’t. For this scientist should categorize people based on their age in order to find out what age groups are more vulnerable to get infected. If young people or anyone has a strong  immune system this is good and there is no need to vaccinate people who are healthy.  For people who are vulnerable to get infected with this virus, scientists should try to find out if this virus can be fought by natural means. If vaccines are the only option to fight the virus, then only the ones with a weak system should get the vaccine as the last option.  

    5. Also there is no logic at all to give Covid-19 passports to people in order to travel because as i mentioned above even vaccinated people can get re-infected or infected with new strains of Coronavirus. Moreover, people can buy covid-19 certificates in the black market or they can make all kinds of manipulations.  So it is difficult to control what’s going on because we are dealing with Incompetent Governments who don’t know how to run their countries properly. I think unless someone has an emergency is safer for people to stop travelling abroad until  scientists are able to produce better vaccines or medicines to fight COVID-19. 

    6. Scientists should speak in one voice and not confuse people. One says one thing, another says another thing. When the world is facing such crises, all scientists should get together, make all tests, and come up with the best solution. Also, politicians should not speak in behalf of scientists but let them explain clearly to people what is going on.

    7. Vaccines should not be mandatory for healthy citizens at this point but only for the sick who don’t have any choice.

    8. Hospitals should be equipped with oxygen masks and everything that is necessary. Government officials should build more hospitals and increase the number of doctors/ nurses because working long hours can make doctors exhausted and then the chances for them to make mistakes are higher. The salaries of people who work in medical fields such as Doctors, nurses, ambulance workers must be raised and the conditions where they work must be improved.

    9. Everyone should be responsible for the jobs that they do. People need love, compassion and should be treated with respect. When governments want to help the poor, they should look at statistics for who is rich or poor and treat people according to their status. Which it means that if they want to give stimulus checks, they should not give checks to the ones who are rich because they are wasting the money. In America for example, the government gave $1400 stimulus checks to everybody, to the ones who are poor and the ones who make over $50,000 per year. Where is the logic in here?  Also when it comes to raising food prices or rents, governments should raise taxes or prices for the ones who can afford to pay, not for the ones who are dying in poverty. All governments should check the conditions or the situation of their citizens before they come up with any laws or any of their ideas.

    10. Right now it seems that almost everybody in the world is infected or sooner or later will be infected due to the bad management of WHO together with Leaders of Countries. They seem not to understand that to stop the spread of the virus especially new variants there should be a total ban when it comes to International Traveling. Vaccination passports would work only if vaccines worked properly and were 100%effective in stopping the mutation or the spread of the virus. Since the start of COVID-19 until now there have been many new variants such as: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Lambada, Mu, Omicron (BA.1) (BA.2). Only recently French researchers have detected a new COVID-19 variant, named IHU, which reportedly contains 46 mutations – more than any other coronavirus strain discovered since the virus outbreak. There is always some new variants of COVID-19 found in different countries around the world.

    Many don’t understand but we are in a very dangerous  situation and World-Leaders should stop playing with Fire. What is preventing the World to go into a total chaos where thousands of people can die each day is only because this type of virus has not been very deadly and thank GOD the majority of people have a natural Strong Immune System. Otherwise the truth is that we don’t have yet at our hands a Fully 100% Efficient Vaccine that guarantees full protection against any version of the Virus. New versions of viruses showing up every few months is something that should worry everyone. Because imagine if a new version will be very deadly then what do we do? That’s why I urge Immediately World Health Organization and all Leaders of Countries to give order to STOP International Traveling, to stop Tourism and any International Events such as Olympics and so on. People are doing life time in Prison.  1-2 or even 5 years of not traveling abroad is not a big deal. This at least will prevent the Spread of new Version of the Virus until Scientist invent a better Vaccine where we can have a total control of all versions of COVID-19.

      As I mentioned above to make Mandatory Vaccination for citizens with strong Immune system is not logical at all.  Because Natural Strong Immune system has proven to protect people more than weak Vaccines that there are right now. Who helped Healthcare workers, doctors and nurses to take care of patients in the beginning of COVID-19? It wasn’t Vaccines but it was their strong immune system. The same goes for poor countries. Who helped them to stay alive? Again it was their natural Immune system. Otherwise until Vaccines were distributed in all countries of the World everyone would have been dead. Which means that World Leaders should not ignore the main fact that Having a strong Immune System is better than any Vaccine out there. What Research Scientists should do is to compare what is more effective in the long run vaccines or peoples’ natural strong immune system? Then they should develop a way to measure everybody’s immune system and give advice to people how to keep their Immune system strong. Then they should make Mandatory Vaccination only for the ones who have a weak level of Immune system and don’t have any other choice.  For example they can say that everyone whose Immune system is below 50% should take the vaccine if they are not allergic to Vaccines. Vaccination should be given based on an Individual Approach. First people should do their immunity test analysis and based on the results doctors should suggest what would be better for people Vaccines or other methods. The only problem is that at one point in our lives our Immune System weakens. That’s why is very important that when our immune system weakens if Covid-19 is still around we need to have ready a Vaccine with no side effects that works against all versions of the Virus.  

      Some say that Vaccination help Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness and die of COVID-19. If that’s the case, then Vaccination can be mandatory only for this category of citizens and the ones who have a very weak Immune system. For people who are hospitalized there are a number of drugs that some say it is helping patients such as Casirivimab, Imdevimab,Bamlanivimab, Etesevimab …..or any  monoclonal antibody infusions. For monoclonal antibody therapy to be most effective, it needs to be taken as early in the disease course as possible. Recently World Health Organization has approved 2 new treatments: Baricitinib and Sotrovimab. The problem in here is that we don’t know yet how effective those drugs are and why so many different type of drugs. Secondly many of those  treatments are very hard to find and many hospitals have run out of them. Nevertheless  Research Scientists should study carefully what medications work better for patients then after the study Scientist should select only the medications that are the most effective, then they should tell doctors what medications to use or not to use in such emergency situations. All medications that are not very effective must be removed from Hospitals and Pharmacies. On the other hand Governments need to make sure that Hospitals have all effective medications available, ventilators and everything that is necessary to save lives.

        Research Scientists should make all necessary tests in advance. They should study carefully the health of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated. They should give to citizens clear explanations and guidelines. Because people don’t know what to do. One time they are told if they get the Vaccine they don’t need to keep Masks then when they saw that Vaccinated citizens can spread the Virus same as Unvaccinated they said Everybody should wear Masks. Now Center for Disease Control said that people should wear high Quality Protective Masks such as N99, N95 because other Masks don’t protect you as they should. One time they say people can make self-test at their home then they change it that there is no guarantee that those self-test work properly in showing whether someone is Positive or Negative. So we are dealing with Health Experts who can’t even give clear Instructions to people. All we can say for now is that COVID-19 is one of the gravest disaster for Humanity since WW2. When it comes to the question whether Vaccines should be mandatory or not for Healthy Citizens. I will repeat it over and over again so that everyone understands. Since based on facts the majority of citizens managed to fight COVID-19 with only their natural strong immune system we can say that for Healthy Citizens with Natural Strong immune system Vaccines that don’t work properly should not be mandatory.

        Because the Vaccines that there are right now are not efficient. They don’t protect you from being infected with new variants and vaccinated people can transmit the virus same as Unvaccinated. Moreover There are reports that some people have died from side effects of Vaccines such as Blood CLOTS or some have had HEART INFLAMATION. Some say it changes your DNA, some say it effects reproduction system. So it is totally out of logic to give everyone Vaccines that don’t work properly. If Vaccines work only for a few months then what’s the point of making them mandatory when after a few months the Vaccinated will be under the same risk as Unvaccinated? Vaccinating people every few months is not a solution either. Because nobody can Guarantee what will be the side effects in the long run. The purpose of Vaccines should be to prevent people from dying. But if there is no guarantee that Vaccines are 100% safe or what will happen to Vaccinated people 10-20-50 years from now,  then it is a crime to force Everyone to be vaccinated with a Vaccine that has not passed all tests including the best test which is TIME. I say TIME is the best test because we still don’t know much about our bodies when it comes to health issues. How many people die each year from side effects of different medications? How many people have died from the mistakes of DOCTORS from prescribing the wrong MEDICATION? What am i trying to say is that World Health Organization together with Scientist  and World Leaders should make sure 100% before they make Vaccination mandatory for EVERYBODY. Why hurry people with Vaccination or put everyone in risk or under the same category? The ones with a weak Immune system are not the same as the ones with Strong Immune System. What about Allergic people? There are some people who might be Allergic to Vaccines same as there are people who are Allergic from certain type of Foods or flowers and so on. That’s why  the approach should be individual according to citizens immune system and their reaction to Vaccines. 

          The sad truth is that Scientists have not been able to invent yet a 100% effective Vaccine. There is a lot of useless talk and misinformation as well but I believe that the following 2 steps can end the Pandemic.

            • The First step is a total ban on International travels until we are able to put a stop on this VIRUS.  World leaders should ban all travels, all Olympics, Tourism… and so on to prevent the spread of any deadlier version of the virus that might wipe out the whole Humanity. Not only this but there should be a careful study if the Virus can be transmitted from food and water as well. World leaders are playing with fire right now with their nonsense ideas on Travel vaccine PASSPORTS when we already know that there is not yet an effective vaccine that can really protect Vaccinated people from different Variants of the Virus. 
            • The Second step that will end the Pandemic is that Research Scientists should invent as soon as possible a vaccine that works against all variants of the virus. It’s very important and I want to emphasize again that even when Scientists invent better Vaccines, the approach still should be individual based on people’s Immune system or their reaction if they are allergic to Vaccines or not. On the other side people should not always think that their immune system will remain always the same because as we know our Immune System weakens at some point of time. 

          As an Intellectual but most importantly as a man of Integrity and Love for Humanity, I am very disappointed when I see that even though thousands of years have gone by, still the Condition in Hospitals is terrible, Justice system is terrible, this pandemic was handled very badly and people keep on suffering and dying unnecessarily just because of a few Incompetent world Leaders who are keeping their countries, International Organizations, and the whole World very primitive under their way of thinking.             

           I call on World health Organization and all governments to implement immediately my system that I have created on how we can prevent future viruses. And now I would like to finish my analyses by wishing everybody the best of health and with the hope that scientists will be able to produce a better Vaccine that protects people from all variants of the Virus so that whoever has a weak immune system or any symptoms can get one jab of Vaccination quickly and be healthy again. 


            The post <strong> PART 2<br><br><br><br><strong>Should Vaccination </strong>be  mandatory for all citizens including the ones with natural strong immune system or not?<br><br></strong> appeared first on The Best Laws For A Better World.

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            PART 1 on COVID-19 Mon, 12 Dec 2022 02:19:49 +0000 Part 1 On Covid-19 August 11, 2020 As you know in the world there have been many pandemics that have claimed millions of lives like black death, Justinian plague, Spanish flu, and the list goes on until the recent one Corona virus or Covid-19. Because of so many pandemics, the world leaders should have learned […]

            The post PART 1 on COVID-19 appeared first on The Best Laws For A Better World.


            Part 1 On Covid-19

            August 11, 2020

            As you know in the world there have been many pandemics that have claimed millions of lives like black death, Justinian plague, Spanish flu, and the list goes on until the recent one Corona virus or Covid-19. Because of so many pandemics, the world leaders should have learned their lesson already and should have designed such a system in the world that it can stop the spread of viruses immediately. Unfortunately, it is scary that Corona virus found the world unprepared as if humanity has never been dealing with viruses before. As of right now this virus has left over 2 million people dead. The system of preventing efficiently the spread of viruses should have been established hundreds of years ago.

            The truth is that the way the healthcare system is organized is very primitive. Even without pandemics or natural disasters, many hospitals all over the world are in terrible conditions. Starting from the lack of staff where there are not enough doctors and nurses to the ambulance that doesn’t go on time to pick up the sick, the que at the hospitals where the sick have to wait in emergency rooms for hours, the appointments that have to be scheduled waiting weeks and months to see the doctor, and the list goes on and on.

            Moreover, there is no good cooperation among hospitals or healthcare specialists within one country and also between different countries. For example, everybody knows that in every country people say this is the best hospital compared to others.  It should not be so. Every hospital should have the same standards all over the world. You hear all the time that many sick people who are rich go to get cured in other countries. Those who are rich can afford to go to other countries for a surgery or any other care they need but what about the poor people? The World Health Organization should help all countries to have the same standards all over the world when it comes to treating diseases and preserving health.  Even in normal conditions hospitals in many countries are not able to take care of the sick and as result hundreds and thousands of people die each year, let alone if there are viruses or natural disasters such as an earthquake.

            And now to get back to Covid-19. There are a few important facts that I want to point out. First, scientists don’t know exactly how it spread. Some ideas are that it came from bats or pangolins which are the most illegally traded mammal in the world. Other conspiracy theories say it was created on purpose on laboratories to reduce population. We don’t know nothing what’s going on. But let’s stick with the idea that it spread from mammals. From the media we know that the Corona virus outbreak began in Wuhan, 
            China, in December 2019, and now has expanded to touch every corner of the globe. Just the fact that it spread all over the world it tells a lot on what a terrible job was done to prevent this virus from spreading.

            What should have been done was very simple. Since the first cases were reported, China should have informed everybody and stopped immediately their citizens from traveling and endangering everybody. This is very important for 2 reasons. First of all, it stops the spread of the virus and secondly, we could find out and rest assured that the virus was not created in some laboratories and spread later on purpose on every country. If China reported on time and closed its borders immediately but still there were reports of the virus from countries where people didn’t even travel to China, it means that the virus was created on purpose and spread on purpose. If this was the case, then whoever was behind this should have been accountable before International Court of Justice.

            There are countries in Europe or elsewhere that if their governments were vigilant and banned travel in advance, the virus wouldn’t reach any of those countries. When the media reported that China or Italy was fighting with the virus, the governments of other countries were doing nothing, and they didn’t ban traveling on time.
            Now not only the economy is destroyed but people are dying, they are being tortured from lockdowns, social distancing, and on top of that people are forced to take vaccines that no one knows the effects they will have on health in the long run. The vaccines that are created are not 100 percent efficient. This means that for a healthy person taking this vaccine can be very risky.

             To really test how well a vaccine works is by monitoring the ones who took this vaccine and checking what happens to them from birth until they get old. If for example kids are vaccinated and they grow up to be healthy until old age, then we can say the vaccination was successful. For now, no one knows the side effects of this vaccine in the long run. Only time will tell how successful this vaccine was. So, it is very unreasonable for governments to force even healthy people to take vaccines. Whoever is sick and doesn’t have a choice they can take it but why vaccinate healthy people?

            The incompetent governments not only didn’t stop the spread of the virus but they made it worse by ordering lock downs for everybody. You don’t tell people to lock down with someone who is already infected inside their house. The best way to fight Corona Virus infection or any type of virus is not by lockdown but by separating the sick from the healthy. This means that everyone who is healthy should go out and all the sick should be in hospitals until they are cured. For just a few hundred infected people, governments punished millions of others. When governments ordered lock downs they should have thought about the poor people who can’t afford lock downs even for one day and let alone weeks and months.

            Even in rich countries like in the USA and others it is embarrassing how they play with people by debating if they should give or not stimulus checks to help the poor. Government officials discussed for many months how much to give people; 1200 dollars or 2000 dollars. Is it really that hard to calculate how much money per month poor people need to survive, to pay their rent and buy food? Why discuss for months and months? Who cares what Republicans or Democrats want? When there is a crisis governments should be quick on helping people and not to let them die.

            The stimulus checks should be designed for the poor, for the ones who are on the street, not for the ones who have money. There are many great economists that can make an estimate that a family of four needs for example a minimum of 30,000 a year to survive. If that’s the case, the stimulus checks should go first to those people. Why give two thousand dollars to the rich and the poor? Instead the government should say to the rich that in time of crisis the poor need to be helped first. And it’s a shame they are giving to poor Americans only $1200 or $2000 when they should give them at least 5 thousand or 10 thousand dollars. If rich people have integrity, they themselves should say that they have enough money, and the poor should be helped first. This is what is meant by being a good citizen. And this is how all citizens should behave; with love and integrity in them.

            Moreover, governments should have been prepared in advanced to take care of their citizens even if there is a crisis for many years. The basic needs that everyone has is first of all food and a place where to live. Crisis or no crisis, every citizen should have access to these basic needs. And it is the duty of governments to make sure they take care of their citizens as they should.  

            ​That’s why I call on all people to request immediately to implement Admiral Laws that I have written in my book titled, “ The Best Laws for a Better World”. Because only Admiral Laws will put the world in order and take care of all people. With this I conclude for now my first analyses of COVID-19 by wishing to all citizens good health and all the best.

            The post PART 1 on COVID-19 appeared first on The Best Laws For A Better World.

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            ‘’WHAT THE ROLE OF POLICE SHOULD BE IN EVERY COUNTRY !?’’ Mon, 12 Dec 2022 02:16:13 +0000 ‘’WHAT THE ROLE OF POLICE SHOULD BE IN EVERY COUNTRY !?’’ November 28, 2021 Many love them, others hate them, some see them as heroes and others want them to be defunded and punished for not keeping justice. As many people know the reputation of police officers in many countries is bad and the numbers […]

            The post <strong>‘’WHAT THE ROLE OF POLICE SHOULD BE IN EVERY COUNTRY !?’’<br><br></strong> appeared first on The Best Laws For A Better World.



            November 28, 2021

            Many love them, others hate them, some see them as heroes and others want them to be defunded and punished for not keeping justice. As many people know the reputation of police officers in many countries is bad and the numbers who dislike police are growing each day. Despite the controversy and different feelings that people have towards police, it is time to say the truth and to make it clear to all people and police themselves why they are at their jobs and why do we need them. For me as a Lawmaker being a Police Officer is one of the most honorable and one of the most important jobs that someone can have if they are righteous and work with Integrity. As a matter of fact, a government without Police Officers and without an efficient Justice System is totally useless. Since the hatred towards Police is growing and since it seems that Police Officers don’t have a clear view of their role in our society, these are clear signs that it is time to reform the laws and to make it clear starting from government officials to the public and Police Officers themselves that there is a Red Line that nobody should cross. This is exactly the main reason Police, Courts, Justice System and Laws were established, to make sure that nobody is crossing this Red Line regardless of who they are. When I say to make sure that nobody is crossing the Red Line, I mean to make sure that NOBODY is harming, torturing or is a threat to peaceful people who have full rights given by GOD to be free and to enjoy their lives. It is the same reason why armies such as NATO were established, it is the same reason why United Nations, European Union and International Laws were established.

            Unfortunately, the main problem that has existed for centuries until the present time, is that very often this Red Line is crossed from the ones who are in charge to make sure that nobody crosses this RED LINE. Many countries and people around the world are facing the same problem. How come when a normal citizen commits a crime the law is applied immediately but when the same crime or even worst is committed by government officials, police officers, international organizations, rich people or celebrities the laws suddenly don’t work and the Justice System in many countries has turned into a Black Market. There are no standards anymore. In the name of the same law there are criminals who are walking free and innocent people are being punished. This is happening all the time without shame before our eyes. World Leaders together with Lawmakers and Police Officers should show some respect and apply the Laws equally for everyone. Millions of Heroes didn’t fight throughout history so that some Incompetent, Corrupt, and Racist Government Officials, Judges, Lawyers, Lawmakers or Police Officers abuse their power and play with people’s lives as they want. Anyone who works for the government or international organizations should not turn their public offices into their own private houses. They should work with the highest integrity and also give a chance to more intelligent people to give their contribution to society. I say this because there are people in politics who are lingering for more than 20 years, who haven’t accomplished anything and still want to stay in power.
            There are double standards when it comes to laws in Undemocratic countries but Democratic countries as well and I repeat again this is happening right before our eyes and everybody stays silent starting from lawmakers to all officials who work for the Justice System, all high officials who work for their GOVERNMENT or INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, Diplomats and all so called Intellectuals or Scholars.  It is the Year 2021 and there is not a single office where citizens can go in and take in court whoever has done them injustice or caused them any harm directly or indirectly. To all Leaders of every country and High Government officials thank you for commemorating and Honoring those Heroes who sacrificed their lives for Freedom, Democracy and Justice but the best way to honor those Heroes is not by making some parades once or twice a year and showing proudly your flags. The best way for all leaders to Honor those Heroes is by taking care of people as they should, by fixing a corrupt Justice System, by removing those Laws that are harming innocent people and by passing better laws in order to stop any injustice and to help people all around the world to live in peace and enjoy their lives.
             I want to emphasize again that it is very important for POLICE to understand what their job is and why they are working as police. Because it seems that with their actions the image of Police Officers has gone down, and they have turned one of the most honorable jobs of being a Police Officer into one of the most hated by many people. So it is time to educate again and teach all the Police Officers why they are called Police Officers. The system of education of how the Police Officers are trained must change immediately and deep reforms are needed all over the world. The whole Justice System in the world will be redesigned according to ADMIRAL LAWS that I have written in my book titled: ‘’ The Best Laws For a Better World’’ I recommend to everyone to read my book to learn more what are Admiral Laws but for now I will explain briefly why we created the Police and why do we need them. As everyone knows human nature is not good. Everyone has the potential to live a clean life without harming any one or causing injustice but due to failure of many parents who don’t know how to educate their children, due to failure of universities, and several other factors many people tend to cross the red line of morality and justice and cause harm and injustice to other people.

            Doing injustice and causing innocent people to suffer and die, first of all destroys Humanity little by little and it also creates a terrible environment which is not safe to live one’s life and to raise children. In order for people to continue to live their normal lives in peace, creating Governments that have a good justice system and a good police force is a must. As a matter of fact it has been one of the best actions that was done in human history when justice systems and police were created. The idea of our previous ancestors was good but unfortunately, they didn’t know how to organize governments together with justice system and police properly. So far the role of the police has been to defend always governments regardless of how they do their job. In some cases, when in a certain country its citizens are violent and primitive one can say that it is the job of the police and soldiers to defend the government. But what about in the case when government officials are the ones who are causing injustice or harming their citizens? Who gives the right to police officers together with the army to defend an unjust and corrupt government that is torturing its citizens left and right? Don’t forget that governments were created to protect their peaceful citizens from anyone who wants to harm them or cause them injustice, and not for them to torture their citizens in the name of the law. This means that the first thing any soldier, police officer, or anyone who works for the Government must do is to understand that they are in their jobs to serve and help their citizens, not to serve the corrupt and incompetent government officials who might be willing to burn their countries and torture their citizens for their own interest. If police officers or the army defend such corrupt government officials, then these police officers together with the army are violating the laws of justice and are committing a crime against their public citizens. Police and the army together with the whole justice system have only one job to do and that is to protect the citizens of their country. This is RULE NUMBER ONE that every police officer, every soldier and everybody should know.

            Since the police officers are often times protecting corrupt government officials, judges, prosecutors or anyone who has harmed innocent citizens, it is obvious that people will start hating the police. Moreover, police very often stay silent even though they should arrest and hold accountable anyone who has caused suffering or any sort of harm to innocent citizens. FBI for example stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation and is present in the United States. FBI or any police agency should not arrest only simple citizens, but they should also investigate and arrest government officials such as judges, lawmakers, and even the President of USA, if they see that innocent citizens are suffering and being tortured unjustly in the name of a few corrupt and unjust laws. If FBI or any police agency in any country don’t arrest evil and corrupt individuals regardless of their status in society who are harming innocent citizens, then who should arrest them? If for example a judge is corrupt or racist and does an injustice to any person, that person’s life is over especially if they are poor or if they are immigrants. How many times we have seen or heard from TV that innocent citizens in USA have been sentenced wrongly in prisons and spent almost all their lives locked up before they are released. How terrible it is that even in USA which is an independent and democratic country, the justice system is so primitive and corrupt that judges, prosecutors and lawyers can play with peoples lives as they want and there is nobody who can help them or solve their problems.

            Courts drag people’s lives for years and years. Even if they win their case, the procedure is so long that they are already tired and exhausted going from one court to the other. Rich people have enough money to pay lawyers, judges and win their case but what about poor people or immigrants? If a judge or any high official does wrong to poor citizens or immigrants their life become miserable because there is nobody who can help them. The police, majors, governors say it is not in their jurisdiction so judges can do whatever they want. Most NGOS or advocate groups for Human Rights say that they don’t have funds. They take only a few cases just to show that they are working. Department of Justice (DOJ) in the United States and all around the world most of the time don’t have a clue to what they are doing.  They proclaim that they are dedicated to upholding the rule of law, keeping the country safe, and protecting the civil rights of all citizens, but on the other side they themselves do injustice. Not only they don’t respond or solve people’s problems immediately, but they try to defend the corrupt Judges, or any other Government Officials. If you file a lawsuit, they write in the documents, “Mr/Mrs …… against the Government”. But this is wrong already because whoever is filing a lawsuit is not filing it against the government but against CORRUPT, RACIST, EVIL PEOPLE who happened to work for the government. Anyone who has caused harm and injustice to innocent citizens, they don’t represent anymore the government because they are criminals  and wrongdoers.

            Another problem that DOJ (Department of Justice) in USA and in every other country should fix is the process for how they take complaints and the timing. People have already suffered; they don’t have time for DOJ to wait months and years in order to solve their cases. If DOJ is not able to solve people’s problems at most within one month, then they should hire more experts according to the number of complaints they receive. Thousands and millions of citizens in USA and other countries are not going to wait years and years for a few people who work in government offices to solve their cases. When considering that many people who work for DOJ are simply incompetent plus the lack of enough experts, then you get poor results with innocent people being tortured left and right. I say that many people who work for DOJ are incompetent and don’t know how to solve people’s problems because that are many facts that there is a lot of injustice going on towards innocent citizens and DOJ has failed to take care of people as they should. DOJ is not established to protect corrupt and criminal government officials but to protect innocent citizens and to solve their problems. Just by the fact on how DOJ handles complaints you can tell that people who work there are incompetent and not as professional as they should be. They have left instructions to submit complaints electronically and they give a phone number or mailing address. But taking complaints this way is very unprofessional for the following reasons:

            1. First of all, we are dealing with cases where government officials or judges have done injustice to these people. This means that citizens need to explain their problem in detail. They are not ordering pizzas so they can simply fill in applications, report from the phone or send mail by post. Phone, email or mail by post are only to schedule a meeting face to face so citizens can report and sign in.

            2. There are citizens who can’t see or are disabled physically so it is much better to invite citizens to the closest office of DOJ or to send an agent to take the complaint directly from the citizen. This is more secure because sometimes emails are hacked or the mails in the post offices get lost and stolen.

            3. DOJ should treat citizens who complain with the highest respect because they are reporting an injustice that has happened to them. They should be treated with respect because they are putting their trust in DOJ by reporting to them when it is the job of officials who work for DOJ and police to investigate any corrupt and criminal government official. So the citizens who are reporting an injustice are actually doing the job that DOJ and police should have done themselves.

            4. DOJ can make their own investigations but for any complaints DOJ or police must take in court face to face both the citizen and the corrupt judge, major, or whoever that person is. You can’t solve cases behind people’s back because nobody will accept that they did wrong. They will try to manipulate facts and defend themselves.

            5. There should be strict laws and regulations that if DOJ officials try to defend corrupt and criminal government officials they should be fired from their jobs and be held fully accountable. Because as I mentioned previously, DOJ together with police and government are in their jobs to protect innocent citizens and not to cause them any harm or injustice. 

            I gave some facts of why people who work for DOJ are very unprofessional but there are also other things that DOJ should improve. Another important thing is that citizens should be allowed to complain whenever they can regardless of how many years have passed. When it comes to justice and solving people’s problems there should never be a deadline. As a matter of fact, if DOJ tells people who have been a victim of injustice and have suffered that the deadline to submit a complaint has passed, they should be fired and arrested immediately.
            With so many problems that people are facing, FBI and other Police departments are needed more than ever, because people want to solve their problems. Police are the only ones who can protect citizens, the only ones who know the reality of what is happening because most of lawmakers and other government officials including presidents and vice presidents or other officials who work for UNITED NATIONS, EU or other organizations are sleeping in their offices. The only things that should be done is that the role of police should be changed.  So far police have been directly under the control of governments but they must be separated immediately from any government so they can arrest any government official who is corrupt or is doing injustice to their citizens.

            I strongly believe that first of all the police should be trained properly, they should be taught to work with integrity, they should be taught that their only job is to protect innocent citizens and for this they must be separated from governments, from prosecutors, and judges.  The police must be given more power and their salaries must be raised. The citizens should be taught to love the police because they are the only real protectors of people. But it is very important to have the police officers understand very well that if any of them crosses the red line they will be fired from their jobs, they will be arrested, and be held fully accountable according to their actions. It doesn’t matter what job a person does, no one should have such immunity that they can harm their citizen and still not face justice or be punished.

            Now I will write a few examples in order to show why police officers should be given more power to arrest anybody who is harming citizens directly or indirectly.
            1. First of all government officials don’t have the right to call the police to arrest a citizen who is arguing peacefully and asking for his/her rights.

            If for example the major of the city, the minster, director or anyone who is not solving people’s problems and as a result people are suffering, police should not listen to the major, minister, or director to kick the citizen out of the building or to arrest him/her but to ask the citizen first of all what is the problem. If the citizen or the official want to get physical and fight then yes the police should arrest them. But if the citizen is irritated because a high official who is in office to help citizens is not solving their problems then the police should give a court ticket to the official and the citizen so the citizen can report in court and ask for his rights. In this case we might have direct or indirect harm caused to this citizen, so the police don’t have the right to arrest the citizen unless he has committed any crimes. A high official might call the police and ask them to arrest the citizen, but it might be the case that actually the one who should be arrested might be this high official for harming or making an innocent citizen to suffer.

             2. The police must be given more power because for example during COVID-19 governments ordered lock downs without making sure if poor citizens could afford to stay in lock downs. In this case if police had more power, the FBI could call the high government officials and tell them that it is best to make sure first that citizens have food on their table to feed their families because there are poor citizens who can’t afford even one day of lock down. And if they don’t have food, they will be forced to rob a store or somebody, otherwise they might die of hunger. So the police could give a warning and if the government officials don’t change behavior the police have the full right to arrest the Prime Minister, the President, Lawmakers or whoever is committing an indirect crime towards their citizens.

            3. Speaking of COVID-19, even though the US government gave some stimulus checks right after that, rents of apartments and other prices went high. Now, based on logic rents and prices should go down when there is crises and not rise even more. Otherwise, this will force poor citizens who can’t afford to pay to start robbing. This is a crime. But in this case when people are forced to rob or commit crimes these actions are  stimulated from the government who allow business owners to raise prices or landlords to raise rents. In this case if the police had more power, they could address the issue of raising prices to the government officials and tell them, “Dear Mr President on one side you are giving stimulus checks on the other side you are raising prices and rents. As FBI and Police we urge you to give order to lower prices for citizens who are living in poverty because if there is any robbery or crimes before we arrest the ones who are forced to rob to feed their families we will come to arrest you first of all for torturing and not caring for citizens as you should.”

            4. Another example is the Immigration in USA. There are about 8-10 million illegal immigrants who are living there for more than 15 years without documents. FBI knows very well that these citizens without documents are going through many difficulties. They come from poor countries, they are forced to work more than anyone, be underpaid, women are vulnerable to be victims of sexual harassment and they are afraid to report because they don’t want to be deported to their poor countries who their family members are dying from poverty. Moreover, those immigrants have many years that they haven’t seen their families who might have been sick or even died and they couldn’t be there to see and hug their loved ones for the last time. This is inhumane, because these immigrants are being tortured and are trapped. Many of these immigrants are women and children whose husbands were deported, and they have to take the burden to work and raise their kids alone. As you know we have statistics that immigration judges together with ICE  have deported and separated many families who were here together. Deporting immigrants who are not criminals and separating families it is a crime that immigration judges and ICE have done in USA. On one side immigrants who come from poor, corrupt countries are allowed to apply for asylum and on the other side they are deported and separated. Or on one side USA gives Green Card Lottery to many people around the world when some of them might not even need to go in USA and on the other side immigrants who have more than 10-15 years living in USA are being tortured because they don’t have green cards to live as normal citizens. So FBI can take these statistics and talk with the lawmakers. They can say to them:  ‘’Look You are torturing millions of people here in the United States. Now either pass righteous laws and give immediately green cards to women and children or we will have to arrest you because you are incompetent to work as Lawmakers. These immigrants are not criminals, and they don’t have to suffer because you don’t have enough logic to understand how much these immigrants are suffering because of you.” So the FBI/or any Police with integrity have the full right to arrest even lawmakers in Congress because a crime is a crime, it doesn’t matter who commits it.

             Laws are made to help people not to harm them, otherwise why soldiers have been sent and are still being sent all over the WORLD? To spread democracy, to keep justice and protect the weak. But this is a paradox because the government officials in the United States are trying to help people abroad but people living inside the USA are being ignored and harmed in the name of the laws. How may presidents have lied to immigrants promising them reforms?  If the FBI works properly, they should have gone to those presidents and told them to stop writing books to show what a great job they did because they have lied to millions of people without a shame while they are suffering. If there was a true Justice System, any President together with Lawmakers and other Government officials could be arrested and face criminal charges for lying to the public. FBI/POLICE can also arrest whoever works for Homeland security, because they should not open the borders to take more immigrants when there are already millions of undocumented immigrants inside the United States. First, they should fix the situation of the immigrants who are inside the country then if they have the capacity or need for workers they can allow other immigrants to come in.

            I am just giving some examples to show you why it is important to give more power to police, because police are the first ones who are in contact with people and by putting pressure to the government officials, they can help many citizens.
            Another example that I can give is with complaints that citizens submit or any help they ask different government officials. For example so many citizens write to the president of USA but they get only an automatic reply that says “Thank you we got your message. We will work to make America great again.” And that is it. This is a direct lie, because people need the president to solve their problems not to get only an automatic reply. Otherwise, why does the president or any other high official leave the contact forms or their email? FBI for example can ask the president or any other high official to hire enough secretaries or experts to solve people’s problems or don’t lie to the public.

            I can give many examples but what I want to say is that POLICE is very important and if we separate police from the government and if they are given the power to arrest anyone who causes harm or injustice to their citizens, countries can go forward and people will not suffer as they are suffering right now. The Justice System all over the world is in terrible conditions and I think the police should act more as a guidance for lawmakers who have no idea how much people are suffering from unjust laws. Police can help lawmakers to change their laws according to the needs of citizens within logic of course.  So I think the role of the police when it comes to protecting citizens is the most important and most honorable and all citizens should support them if they do their job right instead of hating them.

            Since the police should be separated from the government the question that you might ask is who will control the police? The answer is that the police will be controlled under the system of Admiral Laws which is one of the most advanced system so far when it comes to holding responsible anyone who crosses the red line. The police will be controlled by the complaints of citizens. Anyone who has any facts that the police has done them wrong or they are corrupt can report in the office of Admiral Laws. Apart from the complaints of citizens there will be three levels of control. So there will be a control department to hold responsible the ones who are in charge of control and investigations. And of course, another control point is the public live courts before the media. So whoever wants can have a public court hearing where all citizens can see how the case was handled. Under the system of Admiral Laws, citizens who report any corruption from anyone will have their case solved immediately. For example, if any citizen has any complaints against any judge or government official, the office of Admiral Laws will give first a warning to this official to solve citizens problems. If citizens are still not satisfied, then the office of Admiral Laws will appoint a court date for both the citizen and the high government official. If any corrupt government official refuses to come in court, they will be arrested and brought by force in court. There is no need to defend government officials if they are not solving people’s problems or are causing them harm and injustice. So the citizen will come in court face to face to argue why they are not satisfied with the service of a government official and based on facts that they will represent and based on logic, citizens problems or disputes will be solved immediately without hurting them mentally and physically.

            ​If citizens have not committed any crimes or have not harmed anyone, there is no need to play with their lives in the name of laws like it is happening in our days in USA, Europe and other countries as well. All judges, lawyers, government officials must understand that they are not there to give people a hard time or to make their lives miserable. A perfect example of this is the following: Very often judges say to citizens that they didn’t apply on time, or they have already put the signature in a document so based on unreasonable laws they are hurting citizens left and right. There should be no problem at all if someone didn’t apply on time or was forced through manipulations to sign a document. Courts and governments were created not to find any excuses to destroy people’s lives but were created to help citizens. It is unbelievable what’s happening in the name of unreasonable laws.

            It is time to give a very clear message to everyone who works for the government and in the name of unreasonable laws are hurting people. My message to all government officials regardless of what they do is the following: Ladies and gentlemen you are not in government to think how to find any mistakes or to think how to find any reason to harm innocent citizens. The job of governments is to educate, to help citizens to be better as people, to improve their lives, and to give them a hand to move forward in life. Instead, what exists right now in terms of justice system and laws is wrong. If citizens try to complain against any government official suddenly, they get angry. They say with no logic at all that the citizen is accusing the government. Citizens are accusing and reporting someone who is doing them wrong and harming them directly or indirectly in the name of the law. The moment that any corrupt government official starts doing injustice to people, they are not government any more but  corrupt and criminal individuals  who should be fired immediately from their jobs and punished for wasting people’s time, and for harming them directly or indirectly. The offices of justice departments who take complaints seem to be in their positions to cover up and defend corrupt government officials rather than to solve people’s problems. The main fact that justice systems all over the world is in terrible conditions is because people are heading to the media reporters to solve their problems. This means that offices who take complaints are not solving people’s problems and they are just lying to the public or making them believe that they will be helped.
            This shows that justice systems must be reformed all over the world immediately based on the SYSTEM OF ADMIRAL LAWS. In the system of Admiral Laws, the only people that will work will be those who have high integrity and are the best of the best. All police agencies will be under the control of ADMIRAL LAWS in order to upgrade the role of the police, to increase their authority, and implement in their mind that their job is to protect citizens and to find out who is doing wrong to whom. It doesn’t matter if somebody works for the government or is the director of FBI, if they cross the red line they will be fired and be held fully accountable before the Court of Admiral Laws. The Police (MEN AND WOMEN) will be taught the true meaning of INTEGRITY so if they have any facts that their DIRECTOR is corrupt or is implicated in protecting corrupt government police, the police will have the full right to arrest even their own director and bring them before the COURT OF ADMIRAL LAWS.  This Court will be the only TRUE COURT that doesn’t judge people based on their status or color of their skin but based on few very simple questions: Who did wrong to whom? Who is harming whom?  Who is doing injustice to whom and why? The Court of Admiral Laws will be the only court that if anyone has facts regardless of what job they do, they will have the full right to bring in court even the president himself. The Court of Admiral Laws will put an end on the times that government officials or judges can do whatever  they want with no one holding them accountable. That’s why establishing the office of Admiral Laws in every country would be the most important event  to take place in HUMAN HISTORY because only the SYSTEM OF ADMIRAL LAWS will solve people’s problems and keep everyone on check so nobody crosses the red line just because they work for the government. I have talked more about this in my book titled: ‘’The Best Laws For a Better World.’’

            I am concluding my analysis by emphasizing that any government without the police is useless. Nobody is closer to people or can solve people’s problems like police officers. If citizens are suffering or need any help, only police can help them because as I mentioned above most Government officials don’t care or don’t even know what people are going through, also as we know the general public are indifferent towards the suffering of their fellow citizens. Courts are slow and corrupt most of the time. Judges play with laws as they want so people keep on suffering and dying waiting for justice. Thousands of years have gone by and everybody talks about Justice, Laws, and Human Rights even-though there is not an efficient office in every town to solve people’s problems immediately.  People can take a look to see who is suffering and everyone can understand how corrupt Justice System is in many countries and how incompetent lawmakers and government officials are in many countries.

            As I explained 8-10 million immigrants are going through many hardships in America  and millions of others throughout Europe are waiting for a piece of Green Card or residency for years and years. Many immigrants are used, abused, tortured, discriminated in all aspects of life. If there existed A REAL INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE and if Police were trained properly to keep justice and work with integrity they could arrest all immigration officials, corrupt judges and all lawmakers and government officials who play with Immigrants or their citizens’ lives as they want. Countries have the right to secure their border, they can put armies, they can build walls, and they can use any reasonable method to protect their borders, but no country has the right to keep hostages inside their countries and torture millions of immigrants for a piece of resident card like it is happening in USA or Europe. It’s not only the issue with Immigrants that is problematic. If one observes carefully many innocent citizens are also facing injustice and are being used, abused, manipulated, tortured and even have died because there are persons who do wrong without conscience. Unfortunately, some of these people are working as Judges or in different positions inside Governments, International Organizations and so on. So the biggest threat for this world are not even viruses or global warming. The biggest threat for this world are wrongdoing persons that have been allowed to be leaders of countries or to work for Governments or International Organizations. 

            So, it is time for Police all over the world to be separated immediately from governments. Police Officers play a key role for a better world. I have spoken more in my book titled ‘’THE BEST LAWS FOR A BETETR WORLD’’ where I have designed a system of laws called ADMIRAL LAWS as a guidance for Governments and people. All Police Officers should be trained and guided by the system of ADMIRAL LAWS.  ADMIRAL LAWS are truly the best laws ever created in Human History so far.

            The post <strong>‘’WHAT THE ROLE OF POLICE SHOULD BE IN EVERY COUNTRY !?’’<br><br></strong> appeared first on The Best Laws For A Better World.

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